Did you get a penalty fare?

Penalty fare icon

Did you get a penalty fare?

  • How do I pay the penalty fare?

    If you have been issued a penalty fare, we will send you an invoice of the actual penalty fare by post. Pay the penalty fare by using the payment details specified in the invoice. The invoice includes payment instructions. If you pay the invoice by the due date, everything is fine. If you need more time to pay the invoice, please see the invoice for instructions.

  • I want to agree upon a payment schedule

    If you need payment arrangements in order to pay the invoice, please contact our customer service. We often make flexible payment plans, also observing the customer’s ability to pay.

    For more information, please visit our website at www.uuva.fi/en/customers/.

  • I was sent a payment reminder even though I have already paid the penalty fare

    If you paid the invoice before the date on the payment reminder, you don’t have to pay the reminder expenses. However, if you paid the invoice after the date on the payment reminder, you must pay the reminder expenses. If you have questions regarding debt collection expenses, please contact our customer service. For more information, please visit our website at www.uuva.fi/en/customers/.

    Please note that our customer service will need the case number of the penalty fare specified on the invoice.

    Enlarge an image The case number of the penalty fare

  • I want to be in contact in relation to the penalty fare

    To contact us, please go to https://yhteydenotto.valvontamaksu.fi.